We'd promised ourselves plenty of rest stops. This was one, in Lucy's pic looking south toward the river. We carried on past the Roman aqueduct--It survived the earthquake of 1755! I told Lucy, as if I'd built the thing.
That got us into the Monsanto green space--yes, that Monsanto. The friendly young woman at BikeIberia had warned us to stay along the outside, if we didn't want to be climbing, in our Standard Hybrids. That meant a long, slowish perimeter journey, with significant climb to it anyway. We stopped to eat lunch.
From the Monsanto summit, as it seemed to us, we cruised in the Standard Hybrids downhill to the river, all the way to the tourist enclaves of the Torre of Belem and Padrao Dos Descobrimentos. By this time our bums needed relief. We stopped for Italian, then dropped the bikes off at BikeIberia and walked home.
Lucy paused to consider the salmon.
Correction - they were sardines!
I meant to say sardines.
It's a COOL FAMILY, I'll say that.
You look so European on that bike, Gerry! All you need is a baguette sticking out of your back pack. I think you made the right call going with the Standard Hybrid, even if it does sound like some kind of poodle-mix.
I think I ate all the baguettes, Jasper.
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