Saturday 5 February 2011

Weather Like This in Portugal Except for the Snow

Just now I sat down with a tea and fired up my netbook in a cafe in downtown Regina.  Everything's in the past.

I'd stood at the counter beside a guy I used to work with.  He was buying his 2-year-old some banana bread.

A simple workout this morning: push-ups and a rowing machine.  Now weak, I've fortified my tea.

Yesterday I had to pull some poems from one of my favourite litmags because by accident I'd submitted them somewhere else, which also wants them and pays more, like way more.  Sent the mag a donation to appease my guilty conscience.

The day before, my creative writing students had rolled the dice to come up with a number of lines with which to write on a random topic assigned to them (taped to the bottom of their chairs, actually).  Outstanding results.

Monday night I found I'd lost 1.8 pounds in a week.

A year and a day ago I found my old friend in Vigo, Spain.  Received an email from her just now.


Brenda Schmidt said...

Like way more? Hm. Now I'm curious...

Lady Professor said...

That must have been Belen!

Belen said...

A year already.
Iris and I walked on the Castro fort yesterday, on a windy and cold afternoon. I remembered that climb up the hill and you complaining of the cold and the wind and the too steep streets... and then, seeing the views of Vigo and the Atlantic of your Mr. Vigo Bay from that high point, your smile pardoning my life.