Tuesday, 21 October 2014

facebook twitter netflix blog

I know everyone says this, but I don't like what facebook does to friend and like. I don't care after a while. I did read the interview in the Globe & Mail, October 10, with Alfred Hermida and his "different way [of forming social bonds], in a different space." But to suck into facebook is to say good-bye, I'm thinking now.
I watched Salinger on Netflix (a word which jumps to upper case until I bop it back), found it useful for context of The Catcher in the Rye. It got stupid later when, because John Lennon's killer had been reading Catcher, investigators blamed, for triggering the deranged shooter, the many times kill appears in the novel. Maybe in class we'll talk about this.
I was less than ready for my classes today. Been fighting a cold, though I feel better this eve. Classes like those reveal the good students, the ones (I can tell) let down. They've got questions about assignments. One thing we got done: idea for class anthology. Letters we'll each write somebody. We all write; I edit (they edit mine). Second drafts. I produce the document, a simple saddle-stiched thing, cover art and author bios included.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really bothers me when people say that since an assassin was reading Catcher in the Rye that it may have been linked to the reason they committed the crime. More recently, people, and people in the media are quick to blame violent video games as a link to violent crimes. It's absurd. I play sports video games but do I desire to be the next Micheal Jordan? No, of course not.

Ive never heard of something like a book or a game being banned before in my lifetime. I am glad that I haven't. It just seems so strange to me that people have banned books for using crude language.