Saturday, 25 May 2013

Hillsdale Book

Readers of this blog--hey there Uncle Phyllis and Aunt Pete--will have noted references to Hillsdale, a 50s-era subdivision of south Regina. I think this was the first time I spoke of it, a turning of the first word, I suppose.
Well it's in the can now. Friday I shipped the file to Newest, who are bringing the book out next year. I wrote it because I loved writing it.
In five days I'll turn another new word, so to speak. Can't tell you much now, but there's a shovel.


Brenda Schmidt said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to the book.

Happy shoveling!

Bernadette said...

Great news, Gerry! Looking forward to it.

Gerald Hill said...

Thanks, you two. Now to treat my sore back so I can properly dig on the 30th.