Saturday 28 July 2012

Learning to Draw From Nature Continued

By the time I broke for a hot dog in the plaza at noon, I'd try to make clear the fact that the bottom of the drawing--subject: an 8' x 5' section of hardwood floor--was closer to the viewer than the top was. I paid close attention, therefore, to the grain at my feet (which, though I was tempted, are not in the drawing) and darkened lower lines.
After a while I walked over to sit among the grass and flowers, responding. For the first time, I reasoned, this hardwood on my page was hearing its oak roots. I drew a bit, wondering what I meant by that.
Later I took the drawing to the pool, a mistake. The hardwood looked watery already--could be a reedscape, trails to marshplants growing eight feet under.
What did I have to worry about. I'd committed to the study of individual lengths of oak floor. The drawing still might work.
To be continued.

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